What's new?

-Saturday, July 10th 1999

Huh, cool, this is the first time I update this page since I've put it on FortuneCity.com... Hum, well, today I've added three characters to be adopted at my Adoption Center, you know, where you can usually adopt things like chocobos and stuff? Except I don't have chocobos. And I'll NEVER have any! Mwa! ha! ha!... What else can I say? I should help Toneindigo, the Queen of Benny Hills, occasionnaly from now on. By the way, I'm the Minister of the D�lirium du Web, the Humour district at FortuneCity.fr. Yup. Pleased to meet you.

-Friday, June 4th 1999

Awright! I've just put my own scenario of Star Wars: Episode X, written for my English teacher, in HTML for your own pleasure! I should add a few more short stories soon enough.
